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January 2023 - Love Your Liver

After eating and drinking our way through the festive season it is time to give a bit of love back to our body. We can do this by supporting our liver that does an amazing job dealing with everything we throw at it. Besides its digestive and metabolic roles, the liver is a powerful detoxifier, neutralizing the toxins that assault us daily either from internal body processes, or from external sources, such as caffeine, alcohol or pollution.



So, January is not time for an unrealistic detox diet, as they can often do more harm than good.



Please read on to see how best to love your liver!

Is useful to know that liver detoxification occurs in a two-phase process:

Phase 1 Liver Detoxification pathway: is the first line of defence against toxins. It consists of a group of enzymes that help neutralize substances and offer protection by converting these toxins into less harmful ones. However, the by-products of Phase I can still pose a toxic threat to the body and if the toxins are allowed to build up, they can damage DNA and proteins. It is the role of Phase II liver detoxification, to make sure that those toxins do not build up.

Phase 2 Liver Detoxification pathway: neutralizes the by-products of Phase I liver detoxification and other remaining toxins. This is done by making the toxins water-soluble. Once they are processed into small enough by-products that are water-soluble, they can be eliminated through the kidneys and any larger ones are excreted in the stool.

Toxic overload - If phase 1 and 2 detoxification pathways become overloaded from significant alcohol intake, or poor diet, there could be a build-up of toxins in the body. Many of these toxins are fat-soluble and incorporate themselves into fatty parts of the body where they may stay for years, if not for a lifetime. Many of these chemicals (e.g. pesticides, petrochemicals) are carcinogenic and are implicated in the rising incidence of many cancers.

So how can we support it? Firstly, decrease toxic load by trying to minimise your exposure to pollutants etc, it is important to eat a healthy balanced diet that is low in refined carbohydrates, sugars, alcohol and saturated fats, but also high in fibre, lean proteins, omega 3 fats and full of plant matter. Having healthy gut flora is a vital part of detoxification, so prebiotic and probiotic foods are also key.

Foods that support liver detoxification:

· B-vitamins: A significant amount of energy is required for detoxification, therefore we need a good supply of: wholegrains, green leafy vegetables, nuts, pulses, lean meats, fish, soy and eggs for B12

· Brassicas: provide phytonutrients that support Phase 1 and 2: such as cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts etc.

· Limonene containing foods help to induce Phase 1 and 2: oranges, lemons, tangerines (but not grapefruit).

· Antioxidant support – mainly for support of Phase 1: vitamins C, E, bioflavonoids, carotenoids, glutathione and selenium are essential for protecting the liver from the free radicals produced during the neutralisation of toxins.

· Carotenoids – provide beta-carotene. Obtain from dietary sources yellow, orange and red fruits and vegetables.

· Vitamin C – protects fats and cell membranes from toxin damage and is a co-factor in both Phase 1 and Phase 2 detoxification. peppers, cabbage, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, oranges, berries, etc.

· Bioflavonoidsfrom brightly coloured fruit, vegetables, pulses and tea.

· Vitamin Eextra virgin olive oil, wheatgerm, nuts, seeds, avocados, etc.

· SeleniumBrazil nuts, oysters, fish, seeds, chicken and mushrooms.

· Include adequate amounts of protein-rich foods in the diet. These provide the amino acids required for Phase 2 detoxification. lean meats, fish, soya, eggs, beans, pulses, nuts and seeds.

· Glutathione: is a potent antioxidant and required by a Phase 2 detoxification pathway. fresh fruits and vegetables, walnuts, dairy, cooked fish and meats.

· Sulphur-containing foods help stimulate Phase 2 detoxification. seafood, egg yolks, most meats, nuts, dairy, garlic, onions, green leafy vegetables.

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