Welcome to the Wellness Solution
With regards to our food intake, balance is key. If 80% of your diet is 'super' healthy then you can be more relaxed about the other 20%. The picture immediately below is something that I show every client that I see, even if I think they have good eating habits or not and especially if anyone asks ‘what is the first thing I can do to improve my diet?’ It is also something that can help you achieve that 80%. It is about creating the right balance to ensure you get enough of the right nutrition and not too much of the wrong stuff that is shown in the Government's Eat Badly Plate! The Wellness Solution (healthy eating plate) below is from the British Association for Nutrition & Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) - my professional body and all credit and thanks goes to them for creating it. It is a very useful tool and simple to implement.
I will talk in more detail about these various segments soon, but I just wanted to plant the seed of having better balanced food intake. By having your plate 1/2 filled with vegetables, a 1/4 filled with starchy foods, like complex carbs or root veg and 1/4 filled with good quality protein is how to improve your diet overnight. Not only will you avoid overeating carbs - something that we all do, but this will help you achieve the 7-10 portions of veg and fruit we need to eat each day and will ensure you get the right levels of complete protein, that are so essential for our health.
The Food4Health Guide
Taking this a step further is the Food4Health Guide from the Alliance for Natural Health International (ANH) that highlights the importance of eating the right ratio of the 6 healthy food groups; vegetables, fruits, grains, healthy fats, protein rich and nutrient dense foods. Whilst both offer something a bit different, the BANT plate is a simpler model for day to day use, but the ANH plate is useful if you want to take your diet to another level.
I will be talking about the content of these plates soon, as there are loads of other benefits.
So, have a think about both plates and ask yourself whether you are achieving this balance, and how you could achieve it!
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